divine feminine or an object of desire?

performance | July, 2023 | London, UK

creative director / performing artist: Alina R.J
cinematographer / production designer: Victoria Nikitina

scriptwriter: Alina R.J 
music: Forest Walk by Eugenio Mininni

This video is an extension of the performance I organised in July 2023 to address and reflect on the issue of sexual objectification of women as well as self-objectification.

Ironically, in this performance, I am becoming an object – the whole character is imbued with contradicting symbolism to draw people’s attention and set their eyes on a bigger issue in our society. During the performance, my written essay that you also hear in the video was presented next to me in a form of a museum label, while I was sitting on the streets of London without any movement for 2h.

Although beauty should be appreciated and celebrated, it can never serve as the sole basis for one’s judgement. Women themselves often become trapped in the pursuit of conformity to societal expectations. Yet, being ‘pretty’ can also make you a subject to all sorts of labels. The focus is often on the external appearance, while the I believe the inner landscape should always be preceding.

The ending of this video symbolises that each individual can redefine our societal values and release these oppressive ideals, labels and expectations that confine women…